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department of automobile engineering中文是什么意思

用"department of automobile engineering"造句"department of automobile engineering"怎么读"department of automobile engineering" in a sentence


  • 汽车工程系


  • Department of automobile engineering
  • In january 1996 , the school of mechanical engineering was established , which included the department of precision instruments and echanology , the department of mechanical engineering , and the department of automobile engineering
    1996年1月,由精密仪器与机械学系机械工程系和汽车工程系组成机械工程学院。 1998年10月,为了促进多学科的交叉和综合,热能工程系和工程力学系进入机械工程学院。
  • In 1988 , the department of thermal power and automobile engineering was divided into the department of thermal engineering and the department of automobile engineering . the former consists of the specialties of thermal power engineering , thermal turbine now power machinery engineering , and air - conditioning , and the latter consists of the discipline of automobile and internal combustion engine
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